Monday, January 29, 2007

Recruiting News - Executive Job Growth Hits Highest Since 2000

Compliments of www.execunet. com

Recruiters Confidence at New Record as Executive Job Growth Hits HighestLevel Since 2000Much to the dismay of companies striving to hire top talent during thissurging employment market, the business of recruiting and retainingexecutives appears poised to grow even more challenging. ExecuNet'sRecruiters Confidence Index (RCI) reached a new all-time high in Decemberamid expectations that executive search assignments will increase by morethan 20% for the second consecutive year in 2007.According to the survey of 120 executive recruiters, 83% are confident orvery confident the executive employment market will improve during the nextsix months — up from 80% last month. Confidence among recruiters has neverbeen higher in the history of the index.Confidence In The Executive Employment MarketNext Six MonthsExecutive recruiters reported a 23% increase in the number of searchassignments they received from corporate clients during 2006 — thisrepresents the largest increase since the height of the dot-com boom in2000. Looking ahead, search firms are forecasting a 26% increase inexecutive-level job opportunities this year.Recruiters' short-term outlook also improved in December, as 82% said theyare confident or very confident the employment market will improve in thenext three months — up from 77% in the previous month. This bullishassessment of the executive employment market is well supported by theexecutive search industry's own expansion. In December, 60% of all searchfirms reported plans to hire additional professional staff during the nextthree months, which is considerably higher than the number of firms thatadded staff during the past three months (40%).Executive recruiters who use ExecuNet tell us that companies areincreasingly turning to them for help as it becomes more and more difficultto find and attract the best talent.


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