Wednesday, August 30, 2006

If all else fails stay on the phone!

Have you hit a slump? The first thing I would look at is the number of new people you have been speaking to. Even the worlds worst recruiter can have some success if he talk to enough people. I would keep track each day of how many new people you are speaking with. If you are not speaking to at least 10 new people a day that could be one of the key reasons why you are not having success. I would schedule a block of time each day to just get on the phone and talk to as many people as you can in your given industry. Just have conversations about what, where, and why and you will be amazed at the information you can uncover.

Sourcing Companies

The key to being a successful Technology Recruiter is having a steady pool of excellent candidates. What is an excellent candidate? Ideally its a candidate that is working, but a little dissatisfied with his position who is thinking about making change. The key to finding those canditates is by picking up the phone. You need to identify struggling companies and begin calling into those companies and talk to as many people as you can. I like to go through the phone directory after hours to collect names that I can call the next day. When you call keep it simple. Below is a sample script I use.

"Hello, my name is Jim I am with a Technology Staffing firm. I was curious to find out if I had a job that was potentially stronger then your current position would you like to hear about it?"

Yes - Get their number and call them back outside of work. They will be more open at home or in the car then if they are worried about who might be listening.

No - Say "I understand you are not lookign right now, but if I was to call you back in six months what kind of position would be of interest to you". This is a last attempt to double back around, and sometimes it gets them to open up, and sometimes it doesn't. However if you are consistent you will have some success.

Thats it for today